Under 5's

Stories From Our World- Literature Festival
I was commissioned by Wigan Literature Festival to work with different groups across the Borough and deliver 4 story sessions that included rhymes and stories from lots of cultures.
I worked with Mums, Dads and Grandmas from lots of cultural backgrounds including Nigeria, Poland, India, England, China and Ireland to explore stories we could bring to the sessions. I commissioned a local artist to make story sacks to suit the stories we told. I think my favourite was the story of the Monkey and the Hats.
We made rice shakers, we pretended to be a dragon and flew round the room and had a lot of singing, rhyming, story, shouting out fun.

Little Treasures- Museum and Pre-school
I worked with lovely staff from the Museum of Wigan Life to help encourage families with under 5's to visit the building. We designed explorer packs and made a reading area. I worked with a local dance artist to design a session called We Love To Boogie- where parents and children could dance to modern music in the museum. I designed a treasure hunt around the permanent collection. I also designed some under 5 sessions based on 'The Romans' to deliver in a pre-school, ahead of the pre-school visit. It was lots of fun.
"It was pitched at just the right level for our children"
Douglas Valley Nursery School. Wigan.

Get in touch!
I'm happy to be commissioned to design sessions and projects that are right for your organisation, group or school.
To discuss ideas and bookings, email me: louisethepoet@live.co.uk